How To Manage Cat Urination

As a cat owner, improper cat urination is something that you will want to manage at all costs. The smell of cat urine around the house can really affect your comfort and that of your visiting guests. Although you may have gotten use to the smell of cat urine, however this may not be true of your guests. Take heart though that this problem can be managed and controlled.

Firstly, as a cat owner, you need to understand why cats spray, especially in unlikely places. Well, the answer is that cats spray their urine to mark territories. This is a natural behaviour of cats, and what mother nature dictated how they should behave, so you cannot eliminate this totally. On another spectrum, excessive spraying may indicate a serious problem such as cat urinary tract infection. Observe your cat closely and determine which of the two is your cat showing.

Normal cat urination or spraying to mark their territories can be minimised and managed. I notice that cats that spend a lot of times outdoors tend to have lesser spraying indoors. This could be that they have covered a lot of ground outside making their markings. If you have outdoor space, you may want to try letting your cat play outside at certain times of the day. The stress of staying indoors most of the time may induce excessive spraying. If you don't have the luxury of outdoor space, take your cat for a nature walk. Domesticated cats enjoy the outdoors once in a while.

Spraying on the couch, carpet, drapes, beds can be very daunting. Thankfully, there are hand sprays available commercially to help neutralize the pungent smell of cat urine. This may help to eliminate the smell in the short term. Today's litter boxes also come with a variety of materials that help to absorb the urine and smell, such as sawdust and silicon crystals. Although these do not totally eliminate the problem of cat urination, they help to reduce them to manageable levels.

If indeed your cat is suffering from cat urinary tract infection, then veterinary help is required. The cause of the illness varies, from stress to diabetes. This can be seen from the behaviour of the cat. Look out for signs of difficulty in spraying, moving around in circles, loss of appetite, blood in urine etc. This indicates abnormalities and you should take your cat to the vet immediately.
